We must all be aware of the gradual deterioration of road surfaces in Tarvin and elsewhere. Although some patching work has recently taken place on Church Street and Ryecroft Lane, there are many other examples in our area which need to be addressed. The Parish Council (PC) are working with other parishes in the area to make Cheshire West and Chester Council (CWaC) accountable for the generally unacceptable state of roads and footpaths in the borough.
The CWaC website contains a reporting tool which residents can use to report individual potholes. The PC encourage residents to use this as a means of highlighting their concerns. It is very easy to use.
To report a Pothole, please click on the button below or follow the instructions for how to navigate to the relevant section of the Cheshire West and Chester Website.
CWaC Report a Pothole
How to navigate to the reporting section from the Cheshire West and Chester Home Page
First go onto the website, halfway down the home page on the right-hand-side you find "Report it" click this. The next screen gives you various options click "potholes and road faults" which is top left. The next screen gives you information on the criteria for reporting potholes. The website tells you that potholes will be investigated if they are at least 4cm deep on the road, (this is about 1.5 inches) or 2.5 cm on a pavement, (this about 1 inch). The PC DOES NOT expect you to carry a tape measure nor put your life at risk by measuring potholes in the road. Please be sensible and report what you see. You will receive a reference number and CWaC will respond. The more reports that are made the more likely is there will be action or, at the very least, clear information on what will be done (and hopefully when) or what will not be done (and hopefully why). Please give it a try.
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