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Principles Underpinning the Plan's Policies

24th December 2017 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Although the Parish Council decided that a Neighbourhood Plan should be produced the actual work was mainly carried out by a Steering Group of parish residents.

neighbourhood plan logo

The first matter to be decided was the area to be covered by the Plan. This was complicated by the fact that just when the Steering Group began their work the Parish boundary changed!
The Group decided that the Plan should cover the new Parish area apart from those areas already included in neighbouring plans where work had started before the boundary changes.

It is important to note that the Tarvin Neighbourhood Plan covers most of the new Tarvin Parish Council area and most of the population. ( A map showing the Plan area and the Council boundary will be uploaded soon).

Most importantly as the views of residents would be central to the work two public consultations were undertaken via questionnaires in 2015 and 2016. These were distributed to nearly every household in the Plan area and subsequently analysed. The 1st survey, to which 42% responded, identified those issues the public felt most important and these were analysed in more detail in the 2nd questionnaire and 56% of the residents replied. (Copies of the questionnaires and their analyses will be uploaded later)
This response level is considered to give the Plan credibility.
For some areas such as leisure and the environment more specialist research was conducted.

The resulting Plan is divided into 7 Chapters covering:

  • General Policies
  • Housing Growth
  • Leisure
  • Landscape/Environment
  • Transport
  • Economic Development
  • Health provision

These will be covered in more detail in later articles.

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