The Parish Council have agreed to hold a public meeting in the New Year to gauge the response of residents to producing a Neighbourhood Plan. The involvement of a wider group of individuals is necessary before the Parish Council feels that it can take the formal steps needed to start the process.
A Neighbourhood Plan, once critically assessed by a Planning Inspector and approved by a local Referendum, becomes a document that is part of the planning process and has to be taken into account when development decisions are made. It is intended to bring a local dimension to planning the future growth and development of an area. It is not intended to limit or prevent growth happening. Tattenhall was one of the first villages to undertake this process and their plan has now been 'made' formally, despite a High Court action by developers.
The Parish Council is very much aware of the value of such a Plan, but also very mindful that the evidence needed to create the plan is extensive and comprehensive. The Tattenhall Plan took over 2 years and 5,000 hours of voluntary work to produce. A number of Councillors have indicated that their involvement would have to be limited due to other commitments. Without the support of other groups or individuals, a Neighbourhood Plan cannot be done.
There is also the question of what area the Neighbourhood Plan should cover – the whole parish, Tarvin village area, or the land east of Tarporley Road which is most likely to be subjected to development pressure.
Since the Parish Council meeting the Parish Council is delighted to have had a letter from the Tarvin Civic Trust to indicate that they are willing to discuss how their involvement and expertise might be used. This is very encouraging and makes the prospect of progress much more likely.
The date of the public meeting will be widely advertised after Christmas.
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