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Put Your Old Bike to Good Use

31st January 2017 @ 6:06am – by Mike Lloyd
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bike collection

After the previous successful event on 7th January, Rotary are making a further collection of old bikes at Beeston Market on Saturday 4th February. If you have an old bike to donate for a very good cause please bring it along to Beeston market anytime from 9.30-12.30.

The bikes we collect go to a program run by the Margaret Carey Foundation. They rescue scrapped bicycles that are no longer in use and set up workshops where prisoners clean, adjust and repair them to a high standard. They then give the refurbished bikes to communities in need, in England and in developing countries.

In this way, prisoners work to make life easier and better for disadvantaged people. At the same time as helping others, offenders learn to develop a positive work ethic, gain useful skills and become better prepared for employment after release

Simply bring your bikes along to Beeston Market, whatever condition they're in. For further information email Mike Lloyd, contact@tarporleyRotary.org.uk, or phone Andrew Wallace on 07850 250641.

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