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Quirky Show Entertains

8th March 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Community Centre
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An audience of 45 gathered in the Community Centre on Friday afternoon (March 6th) to watch a performance of CAKE from the Whalley Range All Stars. When the inhabitants of a world inside a cake are attacked by a set of fearsome false teeth, a series of kitchen objects ride to the rescue. Performed by two experienced puppeteers, Sue Auty and Rebecca Haigh, this is the company's first venture indoors as they usually perform street theatre. It was also their first time on the Rural Touring circuit.

The play itself was quite short, only ½ an hour. To a musical soundtrack, the two performers manipulated the objects to tell the story. At times funny and quirky, it was also quite dark and a bit frightening, though right triumphed in the end. It was certainly different, but did bear some resemblance to Street Dreams, another puppet based show on in April 2013. The afternoon was followed by an arts session when children were asked to populate a giant cupcake with their own characters. The results will be up in the Main Hall for a while.

Sue Hardacre, who acts as Cheshire Rural Touring Arts promoter for the Community Centre Committee said "There is always a degree of uncertainty when we choose a production. We know that CRTA promotes new and cutting edge companies and we have the confidence that they have been checked out by them. But usually we are just as eager to see what will be revealed. The audience, including the adults, were engaged and very intrigued though I appreciate some of the little ones were a bit scared of the false teeth. "

Comments were made by some parents that the time of the performance – 4.15pm – was a bit awkward and that 6.00pm, the timing of the very popular Film Nights, would have attracted a larger audience. Sue said "I felt that this would fit nicely between the end of school and tea-time, but I had forgotten about the popular After-School Clubs that go on and the amount of time it can take to organise small children between activities. This is down to lack of recent experience!" Sue was also aware that a larger audience might have struggled to see what was quite a small and intricate set.

The Community Centre would be delighted to have someone on the Committee who has real knowledge of these aspects of family life and can help ensure that good decisions are made. They emphasise that no Committee member should feel that there have to offer more time than they can happily give as they recognise how time-consuming it is to raise a family today. If you are interested in joining please call 01829 741962

For details of all Community Centre activities please go towww.tarvincommunitycentre.org or see our Facebook page www.facebook.com/tarvincc

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