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Register Now for Tarvin Community Woodland Run

2nd August 2023 @ 6:06am – by Roger Hones
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Entries are now open for the inaugural Tarvin Community Woodland Run -- a sustainable running event -- being held on Sunday morning 17th September 2023. There are 3 distances: 1K run for 4-7 year olds accompanied by a Parent/Carer, 2K run for 8-11 year old children with a Parent/Carer at the event and 5K run for Adults and children aged 12 and above . To register for the events simply click HERE.
Entries are limited to 100 runners for each of the 5K and 2K runs and 50 accompanied children in the 1K run. So don't delay in registering for your place!

The organiser of the event is Tarvin Community Woodland Trust to help raise additional funds for ongoing Woodland maintenance. There is a dedicated email address: tcwrun@tarvincommunitywoodland.org.

To help raise money for the Woodland, runners are encouraged to also seek sponsorship by linking to a dedicated Just Giving Page HERE. Anyone else who wishes to support our event financially can also make a donation at the same Just Giving Page.

If you would like to help out at the event in a volunteering capacity please complete the short form HERE.

The aim of the Event is also to be as sustainable as possible and entrants are encouraged to arrive on foot or by bike. Wooden medals will be awarded to everyone who takes part.

Food stalls will include a hog roast, vegan and gluten free savoury pastries, Barista Coffees/Teas/Drinks and Ice Cream. Bike Parking, First Aid and Event toilets will be provided.

Road closures will be in effect from 7am until 3pm however no properties will be affected by these closures as it is only the short sections of road near to the Woodland entrances which will be closed off to vehicles in the interests of safety for everyone. With the exception of these short sections of road the runs will be off road with the courses taking runners through the Woodland on the footpath and back along the adjacent bridleway. Advance notices will be posted at all Woodland entrances two weeks prior to the event.

Tarvin Community Woodland Trust is very grateful to many of our local businesses who have generously sponsored the event. The Event would not have been possible without their support. Our main sponsor is Tarvin Precision and our other sponsors are Cullen Wealth, Boughey Distribution, Ringwood Fencing, Cheshire Barn Homes, Complete Electrical Solutions, The Sands Veterinary Practice and Tarvin Garage Services. Website design and hosting generously supplied by Zesty Marketing. We would also like to thank our Scout Group for coordinating leaflet distribution around the village and volunteering on the day.

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