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Remembering the Fallen

6th November 2020 @ 6:06am – by Adam Friend
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remembrance ceremony 2013

Government and Local Authority Guidance has been updated as of the 3rd of November in the afternoon. It is clear that a change has been made to enable some form of organised Remembrance to go forward.

The Government has issued guidance – click here

Trying to balance the willingness to mark both Remembrance Sunday and Remembrance Day and keep people safe, we, that is representatives of the Parish Council and Ministers of the two churches have decided on the following.

To have an Act of Remembrance in both the 8th and 11th which will be short, will include a two-minute silence and the Last Post.
It will NOT include any singing or playing of the National Anthem. After a final prayer there will be an opportunity to lay a wreath or place a cross in the containers provided. At this point we respectfully ask only those representing an organisation do this and only the one member of that organisation is in attendance.

If you believe your organisation should be represented then please contact: Mike Hassall, clerk to Tarvin Parish Council on clerk@tarvinparishcouncil.org.uk or 01829 741075

The guidance does make provision for any veterans wishing to attend to be able to and we would welcome those who would like to and are able to attend to do so.

Please could you contact Mike Hassall on clerk@tarvinparishcouncil.org.uk or 01829 741075 to let him know if you are attending and on which date, 8th or 11th.

With very recent changes in shielding advice we ask that if you are a representative or a veteran and fall into the 'Vulnerable' and 'Shielding' category we encourage you to make you act of remembrance in the safe surroundings of your home.

We are asking that members of the public (unless representing an organisation by prior notification) do not attend on either date.
St Andrews Church will be open from 10.45am – 11.15am on both occasions should individuals wish to enter for private and individual prayer on these two occasions.

We have done our best to put a plan together for this and thank you in advance for your understanding. I also want to remind you that a Village Remembrance Video will be available from Sunday online for those who wish to watch that.

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