A number of residents have told the Parish Council that they feel the changes carried out by Taylor Wimpey to the junction of Tarporley Road and the A54 have not been an improvement but have created a potential hazard.
Vehicles coming from Tarporley and turning into Tarvin now stop to give right of way to vehicles coming out of the village and turning right. Unfortunately those vehicles leaving Tarvin can be forced to edge into the on-coming traffic to get a clear look left and a potentially dangerous situation is thus created.
The Highways Department has agreed to conduct what is known as a Stage 3 safety audit, an on-site look at the junction as it currently functions. The Parish Council's concerns will be assessed and changes, if deemed necessary, will be carried out at the developer's expense. A specific date for the survey has not yet been fixed.
Another change requested in response to the new development is the extension of the 40mph limit further along Tarporley Road to slow down traffic as it passes the new entrance to the estate.
Changing a speed limit is quite a lengthy legal process and the Parish Council was under the impression that the process had begun. It now appears that the assessment will not be carried out until early in 2014 when monies from the developer set aside for highway improvements have been received by CW&C.
The Parish Council understood that this money should have been paid, and the work commenced much earlier, and the matter has been passed on to the Council's Enforcement Officer.
Such details may seem unimportant, but making sure that the planning rules are followed is one way that the Parish Council tries to ensure that Tarvin gets the very best outcome from the development. Problems that arise are taken regularly to meetings where both Taylor Wimpy and CW&C are represented and it is intended that this close scrutiny will continue until the development is complete. If residents have concerns about these or any other aspects of the conduct of the build then they should either contact a Councillor or the Parish Clerk, details are on the new Tarvin Parish Council Website here
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