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'Roman Bridges' graffiti!

29th August 2013 @ 6:06am – by Editor Tarvin Webteam
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The other day I wrote anarticleabout one of many trips down to The 'Roman Bridges' with my dog and the state of the path in places due to encroaching nettles. After getting to the bridges it was such a tranquil scene at this beautiful part of our local environment. On the evening of Wednesday 28th. August Tarvinonline received an email from Councillor Roger Hones informing us that the Roman Bridges have been extensively covered with graffiti. A resident had told Roger on Wednesday that vandalism had taken place.

roman bridges graffiti

As you can see from the photo sadly he was able to confirm the damage. The incident has been reported as a Heritage Crime to Cheshire Police. The Incident No. is 930 dated 28/08/13. The Roman Bridges are a historic monument and its believed that they are a listed building. Once the police have been to see the damage we will need to put wheels in motion for appropriate graffiti cleaning on this historic monument.
As soon as we have been advised on the next steps we will give further information and I am sure that there will be no shortage of volunteers to help clean up this mindless mess without damaging the structure further.

There are consequences for people who commit heritage crime – lets hope those responsible are tracked down.
If you have any information about this incident please contact the police quoting the incident number above.

There have been furtherexamplesof vandalism found since this article was written

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