Tarvin is a very fortunate village because there are a great many community events that punctuate the passing of each year. December brings the Street Market, which is the introduction to the Christmas season at the beginning of the month, closely followed with the visit of the Chester Salvation Army Band and Songsters to Tarvin Methodist Church on the second Thursday in December to lead our traditional Carol Service. This immensely popular evening marks for many people the beginning of the Christmas season. We are able to tell the popularity of the event because it is one of the very few services in a year when folk stop us in the street to find out exactly when it will be. The answer is always the same – it will be at 7.30pm on the second Thursday in December. This year, the second Thursday falls on THURSDAY 8th DECEMBER.
The Salvation Army are good friends of ours at Tarvin Methodist Church and they tell us that this service is one of their real favourites because the congregation take such a lively part in the proceedings. The evening varies little from year to year – the carols are led by the brass band, there are soloists of real quality and, if we are fortunate, they might bring the talented youngsters who are able to wield their tambourines for all they are worth! It is always a tremendous evening! To finish, there will be tea, mince pies and lots of good fellowship. How could you find a better start to Christmas?
There will be a retiring collection in aid of the wonderful work that the Salvation Army do across the community, year in and year out.
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