On SUNDAY FEBRUARY 9th at 3.00pm there will be a showing of THE RAILWAY MAN
starring Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman at Tarvin Community Centre. Please note that this is a 15 rated film.
Tickets will remain at £5.00 and will be available on the door or from the Post Office (soon!)
Sue Hardacre from Tarvin Community Centre comments "The firm that supplies our films has told us that there is an unfulfilled demand for cinema in the rural area at the moment. Large multi-screen cinemas may well have their place, but going to the 'local' screen does seem to appeal. So that we can judge the demand in Tarvin we are adding this extra show!
More information can be obtained from me on 01829 741962, and please do keep your eyes open for all Community Centre news on the A-frame in the High Street or from the Community Centre notice board."
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