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28th January 2021 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
Back home  »  News  »  SHOP LOCAL LOCKDOWN UPDATE – JANUARY 2021

Every effort has been made to ensure the information below is accurate and up-to-date but unsurprisingly things are constantly changing so checking directly with the individual business is the best way to get complete accuracy – hope this is of benefit to you and the individual businesses. If you know of, or are using, any other local outlets providing this service please let Tarvinonline know so we can share the information, obviously with the permission of the supplier.

We know that we are very fortunate in Tarvin to have extremely helpful staff working at -

Tarvin Co-op:Contact 01829 740944 and look at website. Shop opening hours 7.00 am to
10.00 pm Monday-Sunday;

Ian Littler Pharmacy: Contact 01829 741880 and look at website – www.ianlittlerpharmacy.co.uk Shop opening hours 9.00 am to 1.00 pm and 2.15 pm to 6.30 pm Monday and Friday, 9.00 am to 1.00 pm and 2.15 pm to 5.30 pm Tuesday-Thursday, and 9.00 am to 1.00 pm on Saturday. They also have a wide range of cards, wrapping paper and gifts for sale;

Tarvin News and Post Office: Contact 01829 740406/458399. Together with Post Office services there are a wide range of products for sale including newspapers, magazines, stationery, cards, wrapping paper, sweets, gifts, wild bird and pet food and convenience store groceries.

Greenacre Shop/Garage:Contact 01829 740340. Shop opening hours 7.30 am to 7.45 pm Monday to Friday, 8.00 am to 5.45 pm on Saturday and 10.00 am to 2.00 pm on Sunday. The shop stocks a wide range of convenience store products plus sandwiches and pasties. Look at website – www.greenacregarage-tarvin.co.uk – for details of opening hours for garage services and petrol.

If you know of anyone who does not have Internet access who would find the following additional information helpful please let them know.

Briscoes Dairy: Contact 01829 740272 and look at website – www.briscoesdairy.co.uk. They will deliver milk, dairy produce which includes butter, cream, fruit juices, eggs, potatoes, cheese, yoghurt and bread – but again check website for full range. Briscoes also deliver logs, kindling and coal. Orders can be emailed to info@briscoesdairy.co.uk or call on 01829 740272.

Dutton's of Kelsall: Contact 01829 751355 and look at website – www.duttonsofkelsall.com. Shop opening hours 7.30 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday and 7.30 am to 2.30 pm on Saturday but check website. Orders can be emailed to shop@duttonsofkelsall.com, info@duttonsofkelsall.com or call on 01829 751355 for meat, fresh vegetables, milk, cheese, eggs, bread, cake and Mrs Darlingtons products but again check website for full range. 24 hours notice is required for Click & Collect orders.

Harvest House Bakery in Kelsall: Contact 07483 854699 and look at website – www.harvesthousebakery.co.uk. Range of bread baked to order – see 'Products' page – and delivered direct to customers in the surrounding villages including delivery to Tarvin on a Friday. Orders can be emailed to orders@harvesthousebakery.co.uk, via 'Contact' page on website or call on 07483 854699.

Hoole Food Market: Contact 01244 319997 and look at website – www.hoolefoodmarket.co.uk – for full range of products. Orders can be made through the website – orders received before midnight will be delivered free of charge to Tarvin the following day. The Market is open 6 days a week – Monday to Saturday – from 8.00 am to 5.30 pm.

Ocean Wave of Cheshire: Contact 07788 767677 and look at website – www.oceanwavefreshfish.co.uk – for full range of products. Fish can be be pre-ordered by calling 07788 767677. Mathew is in Tarvin every Thursday between 2.15 pm and 2.55 pm outside The George & Dragon.

Rose Farm Stores, Utkinton: Contact 01829 732978 and look at website – www.rosefarmshop.co.uk. Shop opening hours 8.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday, 8.00 am to 5.00 pm Saturday and 9.00 am to 3.00 pm Sunday. Orders can be emailed to rosefarmshop@live.co.uk or call on 01829 732978. They will deliver meat, fresh fruit and vegetables, milk, cheese, eggs and bread but again check website for full range of products. 48 hours notice is required on orders for Click & Collect and delivery to Tarvin.

The Bear Bakery, Chester- formerly Frankie Bread Lady: Look at website – www.thebearbakery.co.uk – for full range of products. Orders can be emailed to frankieparry@yahoo.com or via Facebook and Instagram – The Bear Bakery – for homemade bread, cakes, biscuits and puddings for collection from Tuesday to Saturday at 47 CoWorkz, Minerva Avenue, Sealand, DH1 4QL.

The Cheese Wedge, Chester Market: Contact 07917 384875 and look at Facebook Messenger for full details of how to order and see full range of products which includes cheeses, chutneys, jams, marmalades and eggs. Gift baskets, wedding cheesecakes and celebration cheesecakes are made to order. Opening hours are 8.00 am to 1.00 pm Monday to Thursday and 8.00 am to 4.00 pm Friday and Saturday.

The Hollies Farm Shop, Little Budworth: Contact 01829 760414 and look at website – www.theholliesfarmshop.co.uk. Shop opening hours 8.30 am to 7.00 pm Monday to Saturday and 9.00 am to 4.00 pm Sunday but call to confirm times. Online ordering service for meat, fresh fruit and vegetables plus gourmet products but again check website for full range of products. A minimum spend of £50 will include a free delivery to Tarvin on Wednesday and Saturday – 48 hours notice is required.


TARVIN COVID SUPPORT: Anyone needing help should call 01829 740354 (please leave a message on the machine if unanswered). Here to help for anyone in Tarvin, Duddon or surrounding area with shopping, errands, prescriptions or a listening ear.

Tarvin Foodbank HUB is part of the West Cheshire Foodbank and is able to issue and receive Foodbank Vouchers. Food boxes are ready to be delivered to those who need food. Anyone with food to donate to the West Cheshire Foodbank can leave their donation at St Andrew's Church or in St Andrew's Vicarage porch.

Again if you know of any other local initiatives please let Tarvinonline know.

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