I think it must be age but I have to admit that over this period I lose all track of which day of the week it is. When you are working it was relatively straight forward with work Monday to Friday then 2 days off. However over this period we have Christmas Eve, Christmas Day then Boxing Day. A few days back to normal then its New Year's Eve and New Years Day. Where have the relevant days of the week gone?
Nowadays I have to resort to the newspaper or computer screen to tell me the date and the day of the week when I open the diary. I am however coming to the view that if you are retired it doesn't really matter – just makes you grumpy when you keep having to work it all out from say the Christmas Eve Monday.
Some of us were no doubt fortunate to have the family descend over the holiday period even if it makes every room seem small, awash with discarded wrapping paper and with grandchildren in every corner just dying to make that model or play the new game with you.
Or even worse they ask you cracker jokes such as:
Why was the turkey in the pop group?
Because he was the only one with drumsticks!
What did Santa do when he went speed dating?
He pulled a cracker (Difficult to explain that one to a 7 year old!)
Why did the pony have to gargle?
Because it was a little horse
As they leave and silence settles it's a mixed blessing but gives some time to get our brains into gear for the next Tarvinonline article.
A New Year's Resolution I feel is to put an article online before 11pm each day and so be less grumpy! ( its 1130 now)
Happy New Year (on Tuesday?) to you all.
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