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So who are the Dimwits?

26th January 2015 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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At last the mystery worthy winners of the 2015 Tarvin Quiz have revealed themselves.The Tarvin resident of the team is Sarah who moved to the village in June. The remainder of the team comprise her mum and dad, Karen and Jim and her younger brother Paul. They all live in a village between Wrexham and Whitchurch.

Sarah's family are no strangers to quizzes and regularly take part in local pub and charity quiz events. Their family surname is Dimelow, hence the origin of the team name.

As we know this was their first time at the Tarvin quiz. Sarah thought what a large-scale, professional event it was. Like most of us on our first outing they felt a little overwhelmed to say the least!

Sarah said "We all thoroughly enjoyed the two nights and were very impressed by the depth of knowledge everyone had. The organisers did such a brilliant job this year and hopefully we will be back next year to defend our title!".

Ed. I am sure some teams will be swotting up for the next event to get their revenge!
Well done to the Dimwits and a warm welcome to the Tarvin Quiz.

Hope you have settled down well in Tarvin Sarah.

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