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A Special Carol Service

18th December 2014 @ 6:06am – by Jo Richards
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This Christmas we held the first of our church carol services on Monday December 1st. Organised jointly by St Andrew's and Tarvin Methodist Church, this service is sometimes called 'the ladies carol service' because in the past it has been mostly women who have attended.

What makes this service so special is that it emphasises the role of women and celebrates their importance in both religious and secular life.

In 2014 we gave the service the title of 'Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Baby Shower' and we focused on Mary, the mother of Jesus. In words and song we looked at the events of the nativity as she might have experienced it: her apprehension and fear, her courage and determination, her acceptance of God's will and the joy that comes with new birth.

The collection taken at this service has traditionally been donated to a charity which helps women in need or which supports family life. This year, however, we decided to donate to the Ebola Appeal and the work being done by Christian Aid in Sierra Leonne. As well as treating victims, Christian Aid is working flat out to protect as many people as possible from the virus. So far, they have reached 1.2 million with life saving advice on how to avoid contracting the deadly virus.

We are pleased to have given our collection of £152.80 to such a worthy cause.

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