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St Andrew's Church Seeks a New Musical Director/Organist

17th September 2016 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Tarvinonline understands that the Vicar, Churchwardens and PCC are looking to appoint a professional and qualified musician as Musical Director/Organist from 14th November, or as soon as possible after this date.

The person who is appointed will be expected to build, and develop, on the present strong musical nature of'the church. They will have the ability to grow, through different musical styles:

The music of a engaging congregation
An existing four part harmony choir and
An existing Youth Choir.

The duties of the Musical Director/Organist will be to

Direct the music and the choir of St. Andrew's Church
Play the organ at the main 10.45am service and festival services.
as listed in the contract of appointment.
Be available, or to find suitable cover, to play the organ at the 6.30pm service.
Lead choir practice each week. Currently this is one hour on Thursdays
Lead youth choir practice during term time. Currently 45 minutes on Thursdays
Develop and maintain the broadening of hymns and songs for congregational singing.
Play for weddings and to liaise with couples about their musical requirements for additional fee.
Play for funerals when available for additional fee.

Closing date for applications is the 5th October and interviews are planned to take place during the week of the 9th October. Depending on qualifications and experience, the pay scale will be in line with RSCM guidelines and will be reviewed each year.

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