St Andrews Women's Group Christmas meal has been booked for Wednesday 1st December 2021 at the Bluebell, Barrow. 7pm for 7.30pm .
The price for 2 courses plus coffee and mince pie is £ 20.25
The price for 3 courses plus coffee and mince pie is £26.00.
Details of the menu which is to be prebooked can be obtained from any committee member or Rev, Barbara King. An e-mail address to which the menu can be forwarded would be very useful.
Numbers of those wishing to attend together with a £ 5.00 deposit to be given to any committee member, Barbara King or Sandra Turner by 24th November.
As you will see from the above photograph, our last Christmas visit to the bluebell was a great success enjoyed by all.This year's booking gives an opportunity to replicate that success and to catch up with all friends we have missed during these difficult times.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
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