For our March meeting we were very fortunate to have as our speaker, Mary Morgan, who spoke about "Mindfulness and Well Being".
A subject that most of us knew little about. She told us of her work with teenage boys, suffering from behaviour problems and excluded from school. Teaching them to be calm and learn techniques of coping with stress brought about great changes to their life.
She talked us through some of these techniques, which we all tried and could understand how beneficial this could be in our daily life when we all experience stress and distraction. We learnt to savour various types of food, take our time and really think about the taste. We all enjoyed this especially the chocolate saved until last!.
Thank you Mary for a most enjoyable and enlightening evening.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday April 6th in the Parish Room at 7.30 pm when we welcome Stephen Hildreth as our speaker and the subject will be "New Zealand".
A warm welcome awaits you if you would like to come along to this open meeting.
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