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St Andrew's Women's Group – Nov 23

6th November 2023 @ 6:06am – by Doreen De Cani
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st andrews womens group nov 23 2st andrews womens group nov 23

Our November meeting proved to be a very successful and entertaining evening to hear another chapter in the life of: MR DOUGLAS GRUFFYDD WALTERS..

This time we learned of his time as a choir boy in anglican churches in Llandudno. Interspersed with music and poetry the anecdotes and reminiscences were hilarious as well as informative.

We were introduced to the wonderful voices of the Libera all boy choir performing many of the musical arrangements that were special to Douglas. The musical finale was a song performed by the children of Cuddington school where Douglas had been deputy head and music teacher in the latter years of his career.

This was a most enjoyable evening and a pleasure to have Douglas and Barbara (in charge of the music) as our guests.

A gift to Douglas of a chocolate bear dressed in a choir boys robe was a lightheartened finale to Douglas' talk.

Our evening ended with our usual home made biscuits , tea and coffee.

Our next meeting will be our Christmas lunch at the Blue Bell.

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