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Successful Salvation Army Carol Concert

19th December 2018 @ 6:06am – by Doreen De Cani
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The Carol concert by the band and songsters of the Chester branch of The Salvation Army held on Thursday 13th December at Tarvin Methodist Church was a great success.

An enthusiastic capacity audience were treated to an evening of music and song of the highest quality. A varied programme included solos on guitar, piano and b flat Bass. The pianist, a very talented young lady called Emily, also took part with another musician in a modern dance interpretation of music.

Refreshments of mince pies, tea and coffee served afterwards, gave an opportunity for socialising with all the members of the band and songsters who we have come to know over the years they have been visiting us in Tarvin. A most enjoyable evening which left us all uplifted and ready for the Christmas celebrations.

The sum of £256 was donated for the work of the Salvation Army in Chester.

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