It was a tense audience at last Friday's Official Launch of Superfast Broadband attended by yours truly, Superfast Broadband Champion
At the conference it was announced that Christleton, Tarvin & Kelsall will be the first to be upgraded to fibre broadband from the end of March 2014!!
No doubt the detailed survey carried out by Tarvinonline has influenced this decision
It will be a phased programme:
Phase 1 will be from the end of March 2014. The areas identified are Oscroft & Austin's Hill
Phase 2 will be from summer 2014. This will be Tarvin Centre
That then leaves a small area of Tarvin namely Crossfields, Platts Lane & Deansway that is described as an "area of overlap" as far as phases go and will be upgraded either in Phase 1 or 2
We are waiting for more updated details of individual premises affected which will be available soon on the Connecting Cheshire website
The Main Message is that the Parish of Tarvin will get Super-Fast Broadband in 2014 and BT says it is already ahead of schedule on the roll-out so it could be even sooner than predicted
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