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Tarporley and District u3a – 22 June 2023

2nd June 2023 @ 6:06am – by Tarporley U3A
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Tarporley and District u3a MeetingJune 2023

Tarporley and District u3a will hold their next monthly meeting on Thursday 22 June 2023 at Tarporley Community Centre.

Doors open at 9.45am for coffee and tea and biscuits.

The meeting begins about 10.15 am with a few announcements. Our speaker starts about 10.30am and this month is Tony Bostock who will talk on: -

'Cheshire's Historic Houses'

Tony explains that Cheshire was once known as "The seed pot of gentility' and he takes us on a virtual journey to look at some of the historic houses belonging to the gentry and the treasures they preserve. Interesting places to visit over the summer.

He is a keen local historian who has been studying the history of Cheshire for over 50 years and has written many books on the history of Cheshire and he is a regular contributor to the Annual Cheshire History Journal.


You can find out more from the u3a website at: https://u3asites.org.uk/tarporley/home where the monthly newsletter is available, as is information on how to join the u3a.

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