2023 has proved to be an excellent year for Tarporley Sixth Form College, despite this cohort facing an incredibly challenging educational context. These students sat formal, external exams for the first time, with a very different assessment and exam experience at GCSE. We are thrilled that 50% of all grades awarded are at the very highest level of A*- B and 73% of all grades are A*-C with an overall pass rate of 99%. We are delighted that once again, the majority of our students have been placed at their chosen university.
Once again, there have been many impressive individual achievements: Matthew Armstrong (A*, A*, A, A*) has been accepted at University of Sheffield to read Biomedical Science, Callum Prigg (A*, A*, A, A) will read Medicine and Surgery at University of Newcastle, Charlie Noble (A*, A, A, A) will read Mathematics and Economics at London School of Economics. Katie Tyler (A*, A*, A) will study Pharmacy at University of Nottingham, Megan Drinkall (A*, A*, A) will read English Language Communication and Media at the University of Liverpool. Annabel Moulton (A*,A*,A) will read English at University of Liverpool. Anthony Cooper (A*, A, A*, C) will study Biological Sciences at University of Sheffield. Heidi Maloney (A*, B, B) will read Law at University of Newcastle and Jamie Richardson (A*, A, B, B) will study Economics and Mathematics at University of Sheffield. Verity Burton (A*, B, B) will read History of Art at University of Manchester and Jamie Phillips (A*, A, B, B) will read Economics at University of Sheffield.
Tom Davies (A, A, A, B) will read Biology at University of York and Maisey Brown (A, A, B, B) will read Law and Spanish at University of Edinburgh. Matthew Aylwin (A*, B, B) will read Business Management at University of Liverpool. Susannah Freeman (A, A, B) and Bethany Stewart-Bennett (A, A, B) will both study Psychology at University of Manchester. Jay Bodger-Bacegalupo (A, A, B) will read Cyber Security and Digital Forensics at Leeds Beckett University. Kenzie Hough (A, B, B) will read Classics and Erin Hughes (A, B, B) will read French and German at University of Manchester. Amelia Komodzinska (A, B, B) will study Business Management at University of Liverpool. Christian Lewin (A, B, B) will read Mathematics at University of Newcastle. Additionally, Ella O'Brien (A, B, B) will study Fashion Image Making and Styling at Salford University.
Ellie Rathbone (A* B C) has secured an Interior Design Apprenticeship, Joe Wallace (Dist* B, D) has started an Apprenticeship at Barclays and Max Hatton (A*, B, B) is pursuing a Degree Apprenticeship in Product Management with Ward Williams Associates. There were many more notable performances from students who will be taking up places at university and the workforce this year to study a range of courses including Primary Education, Politics, Mental Health Nursing, Sport and Exercise Science, English Literature, Criminology, Modern Foreign Languages, Journalism, Geography, Accounting and Finance.
"As always, results day has been one of high emotion and anticipation for us here at college", said Tina McMillan, Director of Sixth Form, "This has been another exceptional year group who have developed both academically and personally during their time here at Tarporley. This cohort have managed a most difficult and tumultuous educational context and they should be commended for their mature approach, teamwork as well as their resilience. The majority of our students do choose to go to university, however we have many students who have secured Apprenticeships, employment and gap year opportunities and we also celebrate these achievements. Today is just reward for all their hard work, supported by their families and the dedicated staff at the school. I would like to take this opportunity to wish Year 13 every success for the future. We really will miss them all!”
Tarporley Sixth Form is open to all students with suitable GCSE grades. Although many courses are full, there are some places available for the new academic year; students can register for courses on Thursday 24th August. Tarporley Sixth Form College is also open to students who have not previously attended the school. Students can contact the Sixth Form on 01829 732558 for more information or email 6thFormPastoral@TarporleyHigh.co.uk
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