Tarporley High School are putting on a production of Bugsy Malone, the musical based on the 1976 Alan Parker film of the same name. Parker's movie is a tongue-in-cheek tribute to the gangster films of the 1920s.
He had the idea for a gangster film that starred an all-child cast in 1973 and commissioned the legendary Paul Williams to compose the score. They auditioned over 10,000 children and the film starred Scott Baio as Bugsy and Jodie Foster as Tallulah.
In an era when movie musicals were considered a thing of the past, Bugsy Malone was a surprise hit. Following the film's success, Parker was deluged with requests to develop a stage version and Tarporley High School are giving everyone the chance to see their fabulous version next week. Performances are on Wednesday 24th, Thursday 25th and Friday 26th January 2018.
Contact the school as soon as possible for details if you would like tickets as they are selling quick.
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