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Tarporley U3A 26 September Meeting – Chester's Town Crier

4th September 2024 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Tarporley and District u3a – Thursday 26 September 2024

General Information

Monthly meetings are held at Tarporley Community Hall.

Doors open at 09.45 and there is time for tea, coffee, biscuits and a chat before the meeting begins at about 10.15 with a few announcements, followed by the talk at about 10.30 and questions to the speaker at about 11.15. The meeting closes around 11.30

Thursday 26 September 2024, – The Chester Town Crier

Chester is the only place in Britain to have retained the tradition of regular proclamations from a fixed spot: 'The High Cross'.

Our speaker is David Mitchell the Town Crier for Chester, whose tolling bell and ringing tones announcing events in and around the city and important events across the nation, can be clearly heard all along Eastgate, Northgate, Watergate and Bridge Street, tells us about the history of the Chester Town Crier and his distinctive elaborate uniform, the predictable and the unusual proclamations he has made over the years including timely reminders about local by-laws and other important information and the crazy situations he has found himself in with bemused foreign visitors, And his horse!

David has also appeared on TV and film, including the Town Crier in Granada's TV's 'Moll Flanders' and '24-Hour Party' with Steve Coogan.

You can find out more from the u3a website at: https://tarporleyanddistrict.u3asite.uk where the monthly newsletter is available, as is information on how to join the u3a.

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