The next u3a monthly meeting will be held at Tarporley Community Centre on Thursday, 28th March. Doors open at 09.45 and there is time for tea, coffee, biscuits and a chat before the meeting begins at about 10.15 with a few announcements, followed by the talk at about 10.30 and questions to the speaker at about 11.15. The meeting closes around 11.3
The speaker is Ken Wood, a traveller, who as a boy was fascinated by the Great Khan of the Central Asian Steppes, and fast forward several years, some travelling and some inspiring books led to a decision, which many have made, 'to work on the bucket list' and that led him, finally, to Mongolia.
'Magnolia – and Tales of Genghis Khan' opens with a map showing the vast reach of the Mongol Empire – a huge area stretching from the Mediterranean in the west to the China Sea and the Pacific in the east and from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Himalayas.
Ken takes us on a photographic journey through the Gobi Desert, to the Flaming Cliffs of Khongoryn Els and overhead – huge eagles.
You can find out more from the u3a website at: where the monthly newsletter is available, as is information on how to join the u3a
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