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Tarporley War Memorial Hospital

30th July 2022 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Parish Council
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During the Open Forum of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday, July 25th, a Trustee of the Tarporley War Memorial Hospital briefed the meeting on the new role of the Hospital which is now designated a rural hub for the Countess of Chester Hospital.

A consequence of this change, which puts the Tarporley facility on a much more financially stable basis, is that the Trust will be able to fund community initiatives, aimed at both physical and mental conditions, as well as providing a base for Countess professionals such as consultants, nurses, physiotherapists, and first responders.

The Parish Council will be considering the impact and opportunity of this change at its meeting in August. Part of this discussion will be an initial assessment of the current provision that helps our community address physical and mental health issues. If you have a view on current services or what should be made available please write to the clerk at Clerk@tarvinparishcouncil.org.uk

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