Thank you to everyone who supported our first fund-raising coffee morning and cake sale last Saturday at which we raised just under £180 to go towards the organisation and running of this year's Christmas Market. This is the best result we have ever achieved.
Those of you who were present will recall how brilliant the Brownies were acting as 'meeters and greeters', taking orders and waiting on, clearing the tables and selling raffle tickets – one Brownie even helped with the washing-up! It is great that these Brownies will have earned their 'Hostess' badge as a result of helping.
There are always a lot of people to say 'thank you' to when organising a fund-raising event. A special thank you must go to the Methodist Church for letting us hold the event on their premises. Thank you to all those who baked cakes, gave raffle prizes and a thank you again to those who supported us.
As you are aware the Christmas Festival and Market is being held on Saturday, 5 December, in the High Street from 5.00 pm to 9.00 pm so do please put it in your diary and bring family and friends along. It promises to be a great event and it will take place whatever the weather.
Our next fundraising coffee morning and cake sale will be on Saturday, 21 November, at the Methodist Church from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm.
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