Plans are now well underway for the Tarvin Christmas Market and Festival and posters will soon be appearing around the village to remind you to keep Saturday, 6 December free from 5.00 pm to 9.00 pm to join in the celebrations in the High Street. We are indebted to Jacqueline Wilson Independent Funeral Services Ltd who has kindly sponsored the printing of the posters.
We will be having a wide range of stalls including both craft and food stalls together with games to test your skill. There will be seasonal music and we have been told that Father Christmas has promised to make a special trip to Tarvin again this year, so children are invited to visit him in his Grotto. There will be fun and entertainment with something for everyone so do come along and enjoy the evening.
Fund Raising Coffee Morning
We will be holding our next fund raising coffee morning on Saturday, 22 November, at the Methodist Church between 10.00 am and12 noon. Come and join us for a cup of coffee and a mince pie. We are again indebted to the Tarvin Co-op for donating the mince pies – their support is very much appreciated. There will also be cakes to buy. We do need your support.
Contact Us
If you would like to get involved contact either Lyn Hillier on 741062 or Joan Millar on 741314 or email
Do keep checking Tarvinonline for further updates.
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