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Tarvin Fete -What is happening on the 28th

25th June 2014 @ 6:06am – by Jo Richards
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If you've been out and about, you may have seen some advance notices around the village warning of the road closures on Saturday morning. They're telling us that the day of the Fete is almost upon us.

In case you've missed some of the earlier bulletins, here's what will be happening on Saturday.

The Fete takes place on the King George playing field and in the Community Centre. It will be opened by the Sheriff and his Lady at 1:30 but before that, there will be the procession of the Fete King and Queen around the village which starts at 12:30.

The procession will be led by a Roman Centurion and will include a brass band, Brownies, Beavers and Cubs (all with their standards), the Fete King and Queen (walking under a decorated canopy) with their retinue of 30 assorted attendants, then 30 pre-school children in costume and two horses with riders in Victorian riding habits and riding side-saddle.

The procession will start outside The Gunnery and walk up the High Street, turning into Hockenhull Lane and then into Crossfields, arriving at the Community Centre in time for the grand opening.

When the Fete has been opened, the Fete King and Queen will be crowned and then there will be an open air concert on the Community Centre car park from 2:00 to 3:45 p.m. This will include the Brass band, traditional dancing, St Andrew's Junior choir singing songs from Frozen and the Kellborro ( songs from the First World War).

Inside the Community Centre there will be cafe style refreshments and displays. There are three competitions running and the finalists of these will also be on display in the main hall (having been judged at 11:30 in the morning)

The competitions are model making of anything to do with Tarvin (for KS1 and KS2 children), a photography competition for secondary ages and a Victoria sponge cake competition.

Outside the Community Centre there will be a barbeque selling burgers, jumbo sausages and hot roast pork, a retro ice cream van and a candy floss stall.

All the other stalls and entertainment will be on the King George playing field and will include all the usual stalls you'd expect at a an event like this but there will also be bushcraft activities, an obstacle course and a hobby horse derby.

In the centre of the field we'll be holding a tug of war tournament, starting at 4:00 p.m. There are 4 ladies teams and 4 men's teams taking part so far.

The end of the Fete will be marked by a balloon launch. The pre-school are selling helium filled balloons to raise money for their new building and storing them in a big net ready to be launched at the end of the Fete.

ED: Tarvinonline will be in the Community Centre, look forward to seeing you there

As you can see, we're going to have a great time so please come along and enjoy this very special day.

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