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Tarvin Gardening Society

16th March 2019 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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There will be a meeting next Tuesday March 19th at 8.00pm of the Tarvin Gardening Society in Tarvin Community Centre Hall.

The talk is on 'Bromeliads' by Don Billington


Bromeliads (also known as 'Air Plants') grow naturally on the branches and trunks of trees in tropical rain forests, getting all of their moisture from the humid air around them. Don is the holder of the British National Collection of Bromeliads and is truly an expert in these unusual and attractive plants.

He is also a widely renowned NAFAS demonstrator and a superb raconteur and will make this one of the really special talks in our programme! On this occasion, we will hold the meeting in the Community Centre Hall, rather than the Edna Rose Room and the bar will be in full operation, in order to make this a truly special occasion!

Membership of the Society costs very little- just £6 per year. Members then pay just £1 each time they attend a meeting.

Non-members are always welcome at our meetings and pay £2 each time. A hot drink and biscuits will be served afterwards.

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