After a five-year absence, last Saturday 13th August saw the return of the Tarvin Gardening Club annual show. Forty-seven village residents, including children presented over 300 exhibits in fruit, vegetables, flowers, flower arrangement, produce, and children's gardening. Amongst the home-grown fruit and vegetables there were plums, apples, courgettes, rhubarb, onions, marrows, carrots, chillies, runner beans, tomatoes and shallots. The flowers included wonderful displays of dahlias, gladioli, sweet peas, geraniums, hydrangeas, and succulents. The floral art was breath-taking. Home-made jam, marmalade, cakes, scones and the Tarvin Bun Loaf (made to a special village recipe) were also on display, all excellently produced. The children's section included flower arrangement in an egg cup, garden on a dinner plate, pictures of British wild life from their own garden, four gingerbread people, and a creature or animal made only from fruit, and each entry demonstrated the children's imaginative and creative skill.
Over a hundred villagers attended the open session after the judges had awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd certificates in each of the 70 categories on display. It is pleasing the record that trophies, which were awarded by Sue Makin, Clemley House, Tarporley, were;
The King Loui Shield for the best in vegetables – I. Robertson
The TGA Cup – best in fruit – G. Cox
W.I. Silver – Best in produce – S. Maiden
Best in Floral Art – the E Rose Cup – M. Dixon
The Lichfield Shield – best in children's classes – J. Forster
Okell's Cup – best in flowers – B. Cope
The Marshall Cup – most points in vegetables – I. Robertson
The TGS Cup – most points in produce – R. Thorp
The Sunderland Flower Cup for most points in flowers (excluding floral art) – P. Maiden
The Royal Mail Cup – best in show – I. Robertson
The Tarvin Gardening Club is grateful for the sponsorship received from local business to support the event.
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