How the weather can change! Last year, we sweltered during the summer show. This year, we had occasional cloudbursts during an otherwise grey and somewhat cool August day last Saturday. The weather had not helped throughout the growing season, either, but a sufficient number of Tarvin's gardeners had been successful, despite the weather, and succeeded in putting on a really good display of produce and items from their pantry, with a significant number of children entering the young peoples' classes, also.
Tarvin Gardening Society were fortunate to have our new Borough Councillor, Cllr Ted Lush, to present all of the trophies, of which there are ten. He appears on all of the following photos of the presentations, which were taken by Keith Barker. We were fortunate to have Keith on hand, because his eye for a photograph clearly shows! Thank you, Keith.
Photo 1. The winners of silverware who all deserve the warmest of congratulations.
From left to right, they are: Joan Ogden, Doreen de Cani, Cathy Hones, Sharon Nolan, Barry Welch, Barbara Lenton, David Riches, Florence Lyne and Alison Holden.
Photo 2.The Royal Mail Cup and the Award for the best exhibit in the show went to Barbara Lenton.
Photo 3.The Sunderland Flower Cup and the Okells Cup (for the best flower exhibit and most points in flowers) went to Barry Welsh.
Photo 4.The King Loui Shield and the Marshall Cup (for the best vegetable exhibit and most points in vegetables) went to David Riches.
Photo 5.The W.I. Salver for the best exhibit in the pantry went to Alison Holden,
Photo 6. The Tarvin Gardening Society cup, for the most points in the pantry classes, was won jointly by Cathy Hones and Doreen de Cani.
Photo 7.The TGA cup for the best exhibit in all the fruit classes, was won by Joan Ogden.
Photo 8.The Edna Rose Cup, for the best piece of Floral Art, was presented to Sharon Nolan.
Photo 9. the Lichfield Shield, awarded to the person gaining the most points in the children's classes, was presented to Florence Lyne.
Ed: Continue to scroll down to see all 9 photographs & click on them to see an enlarged version.
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