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Tarvin Imp Brainteaser Answers-June

30th June 2013 @ 9:09am – by Tarvin Webteam
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The Answers

Tarvin Imp thought these questions were easy – did you!
Here are the answers to the quiz posted 3rd June

1. On which date is St George's Day celebrated? 23 April
2. Which chemical element has the symbol K? Potassium
3. Which painting by Holbein, which can be seen in the National Gallery, famously includes a distorted skull? "The Ambassadors"
4. Who was the female star of the film "The Seven Year Itch"? Marilyn Monroe
5. Who won gold medals at the London 2012 Olympics in the men's 100m, 200m and 4 x 100m relay? Usain Bolt

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