Tarvin Imp Brainteasers for Saturday 30th December 2023
1 Of which country is Anthony Albanese the Prime Minister?
2 What is the subtitle of the new 'Chicken Run' animated feature film?
3 Where in London is the so-called 'Fourth Plinth'?
4 Which English football team plays its home games at Turf Moor?
5 Who composed the music for the ballet 'The Sleeping Beauty'?
The Questions and Answers for Saturday 23rd December 2023
1 Norton Canes is the only service station on which stretch of English motorway? – M6 Toll
2 Which Staffordshire cathedral has three spires? Lichfield
3 The Twingo is produced by which car marque? – Renault
4 What three colours feature on the flag of Hungary? – Red, White and Green
5 Which annual BBC show is commonly referred to as SPOTY? Sports Personality of the Year
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