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Tarvin Methodist Church "Praise & Puds".

13th September 2019 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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7.30pm on Thursday 19th September 2019.

Everyone welcome.

Admission free – Retiring collection for the work of the Salvation Army

There is something evocative about the sound of a brass band playing well-known hymns. Somehow it takes one back to an earlier time: a time before everyone could have entertainment supplied to a gadget in their hand, when everyone sang hymns in school assembly, a time when everything seemed simpler, less frantic, more immediate and more personal. Some of us can remember when it was the done thing for everyone (however tone-deaf or vocally challenged they might be) to join in as part of a group and sing well-known tunes and old favourites.

Quite simply, that memory is what we are setting out to recreate when Tarvin Methodist Church is visited by the Band and Songsters of Chester Salvation Army. The hymns and tunes will be well-known and the feeling of being a part of a large congregation, joining in with the band and enjoying a good sing has to be experienced to be believed.

And to follow, there'll be puddings for everyone, giving a real example of singing for your supper!
Everyone is welcome and there will be no charge – just a collection to help the excellent work done by the Salvation Army. It promises to be a wonderful evening. Do come and join us – help us raise the roof and enjoy the puddings!

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