Helping Ukraine!
The situation through which the people of Ukraine are living is getting steadily worse and worse and, to us, living so far away, there seems to be little that we can do to help which is to any real purpose. However, an oft-overlooked truth is that, though we are small and relatively powerless people, each small effort that we, as individuals make, when added to those made by everyone else, will become a part of a huge and entirely appropriate response! The response to this fundraiser and that of the Scouts and Guides last weekend really has shown how we can contribute our small amount, so that we can all become part of what should prove to be a really massive response from the people of Great Britain!
At Tarvin Methodist Church, we held a sale of Jig-saw Puzzles together with our Coffee Morning between 10am and 12.00 noon last Saturday, 19th March 2022. We raised over £550!
ALL OF THE TAKINGS went to the Appeal for Ukraine.
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