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Tarvin Online after 2 months

6th September 2013 @ 9:09am – by Tarvin Webteam
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Following our launch on the 26th June the'Team' thought you would like an up-date on how we are doing.

As of Monday 2nd September, the Website has been live for 67 days. In that time we have produced 137 articles (2 per day average) that range from the infamous Road Closure to the success of the Gardening Show, and lately to the vandalism in our village.

Each time anyone visits the website we record a "Visit". August saw a 63% increase with 4217 visits and added to previous months we have had 7900 visits since the launch!
Every time you access a page we record a "Hit". August saw a 25% increase with 11000 Hits and we have now had 24000 Hits to date!

We try to maintain a daily launch of 2 articles but could do with your help.
Tell us what events you are holding and how successful they are (include pictures at all times). It doesn't need to be a long message, just the basics of what you are doing, where it was, and we can do the rest.
If you are a business, tell us about it, how you were established, what products you sell/produce and where in the world you sell them.
If you have a particular hobby we want to know, who knows there may be someone else who wants to start such a hobby and needs advice.
Send us your pictures (each less than 1meg) with captions which will be credited to you once uploaded

Come on Tarvin, continue to add to the success of Tarvinonline.org

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