The Parish Council agreed its budget for the Year to 31st March 2021 at the Council meeting last Monday, 27th January, which will mean a precept increase of 4.3%. Whilst this increase is above inflation, this is because the total budget is so low that even a small rise in spending can cause a significant percentage increase in the precept.
Expenditure in 2020/21 is planned to go up by £3,390 or 6.6%, to a total of £54,473. The main reasons for the increase are :-
* A nationally negotiated pay award for employees, expected to be 3% including the Employers National Insurance.
* A three-yearly street lighting condition survey on the street lighting owned by the Parish Council; and legal fees in connection with the CCTV Cameras on the Scout/Guide Hut on the King George V Playing Field.
These extra costs are offset by a saving from not having to budget for an election in May 2020.
The precept for a Band D property will be £34.33, compared to £32.92 in 2019/20. Over the last five years the annual change in the precept has been: 2015/16 +1.2%, 2016/17 – 2018/19 (three years) no increase, 2019/20 +2%
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