I've not attended a Parish Council Meeting before, however, I was asked to attend to provide
feedback for our Tarvinonline readers!
I have to say that it was more interesting than I thought it was going to be. As you would expect, it
was quite a formal meeting and very well run with a clear agenda, good organisation and well chaired.
However, the beginning was a little surreal. The nominations and approvals of the new official positions on the Council were conducted to a backing track of European Techno music spilling out of the Zumba class in the adjacent room. Still, its good to see the Community Centre being used so much.
Ted Lush was elected as the Chairperson and Sue Hardacre elected as the Vice Chairperson.
There are still 3 vacancies for Parish Councillors, so if you're interested in getting involved in the life of the Parish Council there are opportunities.
During every meeting there is an opportunity for members of the public to comment on
anything relating to the Parish.
The meeting the Parish Council discussed:
The next meeting is on 22 June and members of the public are invited to come along and listen or raise any issues in the open forum session.
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