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Tarvin Plant Sale 2024

21st April 2024 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Community Woodland Trust
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From Charles Bradley
Tarvin Community Woodland Trust ....

Tarvin Plant Sale

This year, the plant sale will be on Saturday, 11th May – in just three weeks' time! It was only when I looked at the calendar that the enormity of this really came home to me. Only three weeks left – and so much to be done!

You may remember that last year, the Woodland Trustees tried an experiment. Rather than having the majority of plants being grown by just a few folk, we asked for our many friends throughout the village and our community to supply the bulk of the plants for sale instead, and the response was excellent – with as many plants on offer as we had ever had! We were so thrilled with the outcome that we have decided to repeat this arrangement for 2024. Now, all we have to do is to make sure that everyone who will help us and ought to know what is happening actually does get to know! This is where Tarvin Online plays a really important part!

Firstly, from gardeners, we ask that you pot on the plants resulting from splitting your perennials for us, you pass over the spare seedlings for which you have no room, you finally re-home that shrub which has never been what you really wanted. Ideally, we would like at least a dozen plants (of all descriptions) from each of our green-fingered friends, but we really will be grateful for anything that you can give to us.

We know that there are plenty of folk out there who really want to support our plant sale but who don't class themselves as gardeners. We'd like your help, too! Perhaps you could encourage your own friends and neighbours who ARE gardeners to organise some plants for you to bring along? Or perhaps you could spend just a few bob on one or two packets of the tiny bedding plants that the supermarkets are offering so cheaply now? ALL contributions are really helpful!

The Plant Sale this year is on Saturday, 11th May at Tarvin Methodist Church between 10am and 12 noon.

If you have contributions for us, then they can be brought along to the Chapel from 1.30pm onwards on Thursday, 9th May.

We'll be there all afternoon, beginning to get things ready for Saturday. Then, on Saturday morning, the front of the Chapel will be taken over by a wealth of plants – there will be shrubs of all descriptions, herbaceous plants just ready for your borders, some bedding plants and lots of vegetables, tomato plants, etc. Woodland Trustees will be on hand to answer your questions and to carry your purchases to your car. You may be fortunate enough to buy a winning ticket in the raffle! Meanwhile, there will be teas and, coffees, plus the justly famous bacon baps, etc. on sale inside the Chapel. Our plant sales are really enjoyable mornings and have become one of the "events" in the Tarvin Village calendar. Do come along and share that enjoyment, while helping to raise valuable funds for the upkeep of Tarvin's lovely woodland.

Please do help us if you can!!

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