The countdown to Christmas has begun and our Advent calendars help us count down the days. It is often a busy time with so many things to do and to get ready . It is easy to lose the true meaning of Christmas.
Advent also marks the journey that Joseph, Mary and their unborn child made as they travelled from their home in Nazareth to Bethlehem.
Two thousand years ago the journey was made on foot or on the back of a donkey along rough tracks and roads. Today in Palestine, with all that is happening there, the same journey would be difficult too.
In Central America the Posada is a tradition that follows Mary, Joseph and their donkey on their journey to Bethlehem and Christmas. The word Posada means Inn and represents the stay each night in a house or Inn on the journey through Advent.
We have our own Posada here in Tarvin. Throughout December you will find our Mary, Joseph and their donkey somewhere in Tarvin on their journey to Bethlehem.
Will you spot them?
Will they be in a garden in your street, or in someone s front window, perhaps in a local shop, or even visiting the school or a local Inn?
You can follow their journey to Christmas as the move round the village from place to place each day.
Will you manage to find them every day throughout Advent?
The Tarvin Posada 2024 Facebook page will record their journey with photographs, stories and all the locations where they have stayed.
St Andrews Church Tarvin
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