As we approach half term, a reminder to take part in the Tarvin Pumpkin Trail fundraising event and competition ....
Here at Tarvin Pre-School & Day Nursery we are exploring the season of Autumn and all the wonderful things this season brings, including Halloween!
As a registered charity, we are looking to help raise some funds and invite you to take part in a community event ....
Tarvin's Pumpkin Trail!
To enter you just need to design a pumpkin and have it on display at your house with a caption/name that we will print out for you.
Contact Tarvin Pre-School by emailing tarvin.preschool@btconnect or give us a call on 01829 741011.
Entry costs £3.00
Trail maps will then be available to purchase from Tarvin Pre-School or Tarvin Post Office over October half-term.
See the attached poster for more info.
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