We will all have been shocked by the Russian action in Ukraine and wondering what we can do. Many people are helping by donating money, clothing etc. but it is clear that to help in a conflict zone as much money as possible will also be required.
On Saturday 12th March, Tarvin Scouts and Guides will be holding a fund raising morning to help those trapped by, or fleeing from the conflict. Join us for tea, coffee, juice and cakes. We are planning plenty of activities for all ages so we have something for everyone. Even if you are one of the generous people who have already made a donation, please join us on Saturday.
Details: Saturday 12th March, !0:00 to 12:30, Scout & Guide Headquarters, King George V Field. Entry will be by donation with all proceeds going to the Red Cross Ukraine Disasters Aid Committee where they will be matched £ for £ by the British Government. We don't have facilities for contactless so we ask you to please bring cash.
Everyone is welcomed so please try to join us.
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