Jo Richards has been in touch and told us that final plans are now being put in place and the long range weather forecast is promising so far.
Hopefully all those who like baking have the ingredients so they can enter the Classic Victoria Sponge Cake competition but if not, there is still time to get them in. As you will see from the posters around the village this year there are three categories:
5 to 8 years;
9 to 15 years;
All you have to do is follow the recipe below and bring your cake to the Community Centre by 10.30 am on Saturday, 10 June, when the judging will take place – recipe is by Mary Berry – BBC Food
225g Self Raising Flour
225g Baking Spread, Margarine or Soft Butter at room temperature
225g Caster Sugar
4 Eggs
1tsp Baking Powder
Raspberry Jam
Get Baking and Good Luck!
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