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Tarvin "Virtual" Christmas Fair

6th December 2013 @ 5:05pm – by Tarvin Webteam
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Tarvin " Virtual" Christmas

When Tarvinonline reported that this year's Christmas Market had to be cancelled, many of our readers must have been extremely disappointed because in recent years this event has become a highlight in the run up to Christmas

xmas dec

One of our readers decided to take action and wrote to TarvinOnline to suggest that we hold a "Virtual" Christmas Fair! This set us thinking, and after we had quickly discarded visions of a version of Google Maps that would allow the viewer to appear to be walking past virtual market stalls, we decided that the very least we could do would be to offer our local businesses and organizations the opportunity, under the banner of Tarvin Christmas Fair, to tell our readers about any special events or promotions that they were planning for the run up to Christmas.
If you wish to be included in the Fair please send details to the Webteam at editor@tarvinonline.org, but here for starters are the first two organizations-

Carole Oldknow of Imagination has told TarvinOnline that they will have a new promotion of up to 50% off selected jewellery, scarves, pashminas, shoes, bags and evening dresses ready for Christmas parties and some great gift ideas.

Also, commencing the 16th of December, they will be offering mince pies, chocs, nibbles and wine, to get in the spirit of Christmas.

Imagination will be closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day.

Pryors Hayes Golf Club
From 1st until 22nd December, Pryors Hayes Golf Club is offering a one, two, or three course Christmas Lunch & Dinner Menu for friends, family, clubs, or organisations to celebrate the festive season.

In addition there is a 'Rocking around the Christmas Tree' Party Night on the 14th December. You are invited to put on your Christmas party hat and pull a Christmas cracker as you enjoy a three course meal and dance the night away to festive and current songs from the DJ.

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