The first meeting of 2017 was held at Tarvin Community Centre on Wednesday 25th January.
The meeting was opened by the President Irene Wilkinson who welcomed current members, guests and 2 new members. Jerusalem was sung and the normal business of WI dealt with.
The President informed Members that a Walking Group would be starting with its first outing on Friday February 3rd starting at the President's house at 9.30am. There were 18 members interested in doing this, so a lovely start to a new project. Leading the Group will be Heather Excel and on completion of the walk we will return to the President's home for coffee and biscuits.
The luncheon Group will restart on Monday February 6th and will be held at The Ring O'Bell's, Christleton.
In May we are hoping to organise an away weekend at Lytham St Anne's, a new venture for Tarvin WI but should be great fun.
Sam's "Scales 'N' Tales
It was then time for our first speaker of the New Year. Samantha Smith, who came to tell us about Sam's Scales 'N' Tails.
Sam told us that she was involved with animal rescue when she was just four years old. Animals have always been a big part of her life and she cannot stand back and do nothing when animals are in need. By doing her talks she is able to help educate people about the real needs of the animals we share our homes with.
She brought a tortoise, a bearded dragon, and, a corn snake with her, who sat under heat lamps while Sam related their stories.
With 16 animals of her own including snakes, guinea pigs, turtles, lizards, giant rabbits, turtles, rats, frogs and dogs, Sam is keen to help educate youngsters about the responsibilities of having pets, while helping older generations to relive their youth.
It was an informative talk and led to a lively question and answer session. The President thanked Sam for coming and the evening ended with Tea and cakes.
Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday 22nd February at Tarvin Community Centre starting 7.30pm. The talk will be 'The Seven Deadly Sins' by The Revd Canon Michael Burgess.
Visitors and friends are welcome to join us. Please contact Irene Wilkinson on 01829 740868 for further information.
Ed: Click on picture to see a bigger version.
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