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Tarvin WI Meeting Wednesday 26 February 2020

15th March 2020 @ 6:06am – by Lyn Brunton
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Another busy meeting took place this month with President Margaret Matthews informing the members of all current business events.

February Social Events

Of note, was the Black Poplar Tree planting ceremony which took place earlier in the month as recently featured in Tarvinonline. This was followed by a very well attended Soups and Puds lunch at the Community Centre. Members and guests together with some Woodland Trust Volunteers were treated to a splendid lunch by Tarvin WI Committee. Three delicious soups and a superb variety of homemade desserts were much enjoyed by all those who attended. Congratulations to the Committee for making it such a lovely afternoon.

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Congratulations were in order for Team Tarvin, who came second in the first round of The Cheshire county WI Quiz this month. They will go forward to the final on 3rd April. Good Luck to all participants.

An excellent event took place at Chester Cathedral which was the venue for the CFWI Centenary Concert. The Cathedral was full to capacity with lots of atmosphere. Two choirs entertained the audience, and some members shared their reflections on 'What the WI means to me'. Everyone was delighted to receive a small gift of boxed cake to commemorate the event.

Tom Jones: Volunteer Guide at Chester Zoo

Tom gave a very entertaining and knowledgeable talk on his experiences as a tour guide of Chester Zoo. He talked about the vision of the zoo founder, George Mottishead and of a Zoo without bars. His extensive slide show displayed his talent as a keen photographer, showing beautiful close-ups of many of the animals in their habitats. His comprehensive Knowledge of the zoo was also evident when giving us some very interesting behind the scene facts. This included details of the zoo's extensive breeding programme for endangered species. The message was loud and clear that Animal Welfare is high on the list at Chester Zoo. Liz Brereton gave the vote of thanks.
Members enjoyed Tea and Biscuits and a chance to catch up with friends old and new before the meeting closed.

The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 25th March at 7.30 pm in the Edna Rose Room at Tarvin Community Centre.

The evening's Speaker is Pat Roberts with a talk on Victoria Follies.

Visitors are always welcome to come and join us.

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