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Tarvin's Green spaces!

27th June 2014 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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The other day a Tarvin resident sent www.tarvinonline.org an email highlighting the poor state of some of the pavements/ road edges around the village. They are being taken over by plants and are slowly breaking up.

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Looking at the photos he sent in you cannot but agree that it sends the wrong message out about how important we view the appearance of our streets.

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Now he was not suggesting that we have a safety issue....no things were not that bad but they certainly need some maintenance.

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He acknowledges that money is tight but perhaps the Parish Council can assess the problem and get a plan agreed with CW&C who hold the purse strings.
Whenever these issues are left alone they invariably cost more in the long run to put right – as we all remember with the village potholes!

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