It is exceedingly quiet in the Community Centre now as the summer holidays get under way. Many of the regular classes take a break especially those that cater to the needs of small children and their families.
But the place is not completely devoid of life......
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the Library is open, and there will no doubt be plenty of demand for books from those children who have signed up for the Summer Reading Challenge. The idea is to encourage children to keep up their reading skills honed during the summer break by reading six books over three library visits. For each two books completed there are small prizes with a certificate and medal for those who complete the challenge. There's a competition for adults as well.
Wednesday is still the day when Slimming World runs to encourage members to eat well and live healthily. There are four sessions throughout the day so that anyone who wishes to attend can find a convenient time. This is one place where Tarvin definitely gets smaller by the week.
Thursdays wouldn't be Thursdays without Bingo. Tarvin's Bingo Club is one of the Centre's oldest and most loyal customer and very little deflects them from their much-loved pastime. Committee members worry about a General Election, not because of the political ramifications, but from the distress of having to cancel Bingo again!
While warm summer days encourage lazing about on a shady deckchair, members of the Zumba Gold Group and Tai Chi group continue to meet o a Monday and Tuesday respectively. The Tango Group meet once and there are a couple of Pilates classes but apart from those, all is still.
The Committee is not asleep though but looking forward to the new season. They are very disappointed that they are unable to schedule the renovation of the Hall floor into this quiet time. Despite seeking quotes some time ago, the company chosen is fully booked through August, so the work has been postponed until the Christmas holidays. Information is being gathered about some of the great entertainments that are on offer in the months ahead, regular up-to-date films, lively folk music, great theatre, a new class or two and a Panto.
.... that hush will soon disappear in a welter of activity .......
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